photo techniques and technology


Scatter Puffin

So as many of you know, I love birds. Recently I’ve taken 2 puffin trips to take pictures, the first with a big local tour company the second in a sea kayak with friends. Personally I like the angle from the sea kayak much better, but it is SO much more difficult to get any shots as the swell hides the birds and confuses the cameras AF.  You can also get much closer to the birds in water then on a big diesel boat. However with the larger boat you get a more stable shooting platform, and height for shooting birds on the rocks. Here are some examples.

*So I’ve been really disappointed with the quality of the images on the blog, please bare with me as I look for an upgrade. To see the images at higher quality, you can click the picture for a larger size.

This shot could not have been taken from the kayak as it sat low on the water.

These birds are hilarious fliers. Very fast and awkward= hard to track. Even from a big boat.

In order to take off they run into the wind basking into waves as they go, hoping to be lifted into the air. note the lower angle from the kayak.

This bird was just 8m away, thanks to the quite kayak.

Big thanks to Matt Carroll and his parent for taking me on this trip, and to his dad for doing all the paddling while i was shooting.

CPS stuff came!

So I am a new member to the Canon Professional Services program (CPS). The program is designed to help professional Canon photographers with their work, through expedited repairs, loaners etc… They recently sent out this welcome kit. how nice of them!

*also… a green towel can be used as a green screen haha

YC 2009

YC 2009 Gander

Because moms just don’t stop asking…

OK so it’s been a while since my last post. I have been extremely busy with university, so I haven’t been taking any work. However I’m pleased to say that is over for another year.

I did some grad photos tonight and played around a bit with my lighting set up, I was pleased with the results.

random assortment…

So I have some baby pictures, a family picture, a bird and a friend to share today. Recently I shot a small guy, whom I’m glad to say was quite the willing participant!

So a new friend is in town, from the states so when giving him the St. John’s tour I brought my camera hoping to snap some pictures of the cormorants down by the battery. Here’s the result

(Both shots are 400mm ISO 1000 f/6.3 1/500)

Here is my buddy Alex out at cape spear

We decided to go closer to the coast to get a shot of him with a wave breaking in the background. We waited for a big wave to hit  and judged a safe standing distance, then got in position watched the sea and waited… here is the burst in real time. (should your Internet play its correct speed of 6.5 fps)

To view click on the picture. or right click, and open in new tab/window.

Guess Who?

Well it has been awhile since I have last posted, very busy getting back into the swing of university and having just started my honours thesis research time can be tight. But an important update… I am now offering an intro to photography class. If you are interested, you can check out some information on my website, or just get in contact with me to set up a class time. but now back to the reason for the post…

So its my two favorite kids again. Sam just turned the big 1, so happy birthday big guy!

This guy’s expressions are priceless

And of course… the big sister

Congrats and Merry Christmas!

“this one is mine… cause its my size”

Christmas time is here…

So today I shot a lily for a client to get done off as a gift… whats your preference, B&W or colour?

I also shot two sisters as a gift to their mother

*Merry Christmas All!

Yes Tonya… you are webpage worthy!

So just a week ago I had the privilege of shooting a friend of mine with a few of her friends, one of which is a brand new mom. Also these pictures are sporting the new branding.






A cool congrats!

Boy was it cold, but it was fun.







Finally got it





I was going to blog this earlier but I forgot, I assisted another photographer with a wedding, mainly with gear and helping with the lighting, but I did take one picture.


When Water Falls

Water… what a fascinating thing











As the spout of water rises, it is hit by another following drop.



Which forms these “fan” shapes





A floating collision

Strobist info: There are three techniques used above, the number below the picture corresponds to the descriptions below.

[1]- A pan is filled with water, above it is hung camel pak. The valve was used to control the drip speed. One strobe (Canon 580EX II) bounced off a white sheet of paper (or a colourful picture for the coloured images). Triggered with Cactus V4’s

[2]- Water is pooled on a mirror, water is dripped from a straw by hand onto a pre-focused point. The strobe was placed under the mirror aiming at a white screen behind the drop.

[3]- The water setup is the same as [1], however to show motion a 2nd flash was added diffused at higher power in order to get a longer flash burst. Aimed directly at the drop from the front left side.

Congrats grade 12’s

A quick sample from a rad grad shoot…



(Yes thats a kilt, and yes thats awesome!)



I should call the package the rad grad package from here on in.


While across the island I helped shoot the Corner Brook Fire Department, here is a small sample





When You Live In The Wild…

A sample of Newfoundland wilderness…






Image (7)


Green point world

This is a 360 panorama of the world heritage site, Green Point.

Congrats Brad and Lauren -Engaged







I’ve been advised against posting some of my more editorial Labrador, sheshashiu more specifically. So here are some randoms from the trip.


Unloading our plane, and as I’m told every time… you aren’t allowed to take shots like this


Lake melville is still frozen



Me: must be cold out there pan jumping!

Kid: NOO watch this!



What  I was actually doing there


10mm from a plane window